Wednesday, November 11, 2020

இரு தடுப்பூசிகளின் கதை TALE OF TWO VACCINES

இரு தடுப்பூசிகளின் கதை

My Dear Vivasaya Panchangam Friends ! Good Morning !

This video Tale of Two Vaccines carries two untold stories related development of Vaccines, the story one is about a mummy of a Pharaoh by name Ramses of Egypt monarch.
The second story of this video Tale of Two Vaccines narrates the Vaccine related incidenses of some of the Buddist Monks, Edward Jenner, and Louis Pasteur.
Do you know the mummy of Ramses V, the Phoraoh, the king of kings of Egypt, who permitted the reasearchers to take a sample from his mummified body, to develop vaccine against Smallpox.
It is startling to note, the Buddist monk put all their efforts to create a contrivance and a device, to develop immunity, might be a vaccine, to save people biten by poisonous snakes, to note positively variely, this is the key s part of the second part of this video Tale of Two Vaccines.
To add flavour to the subject some of the WHO's statistics relevant to the Vaccines of Diptheria, Tetanus, Whooping cough and Measles, and current bits and pieces of messages related to Korona and the latest Russian Vaccine.

The second part of this video Tale of Two Vaccines also accomplishes the the brain child vaccines of Small Pox, Cholera, and Anthrax, developed by Edward Jenner and Louis Pasteur. Bye friends, this video will not cheat you, you can appreciate, I have put lot more efforts to make it palatable. Forget not to share, subscribe and support our Youtube Channel "BHUMII"


 Presented & Published By: D.Gnana Suria Bahavan, Author, Vivasaya Panchangam Blogspot.

Acknowledgement: Thanks and Courtesy to respective authors books and online e-resources.

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