Tuesday, November 17, 2020

பருவநிலை தட்பவெப்ப நிலை இரண்டும் ஒன்றா வேறுவேறா ? HOW CLIMATE & WEATHER DIFFERS ?

பருவநிலை வேறு  
தட்பவெப்ப நிலை வேறு

 My Dear Vivasaya Panchangam Friends ! Good Morning !

How climate and weather differs is the title of the programme, Many of them used to believe both are one and the same. In many of the media, there are lot more information and news are being published as special Weather Bulletins, Weather Forecasts and so on.
Mainly Weather deal with the present situation of Rainfall, Temperature, Wind Velocity, Humidity etc. relevant to a particular day, or a particular time. This is referred to as Weather Condition. Climate means it is an average of 30 years about all the different weather components like Rainfall, Temperature, Wind Velocity, Speed of Wind, Humidity, Movement of rain-bearing Clouds, Sunshine etc.
Annual Average Rainfall is the average 30 years of that particular place or area or any geographical place. So the Annual Average Rainfall is constant for around 30 years, any distinct changes will occur only in a course of 30 years. For instance, the Annual Average Rainfall of Tamilnadu is 955 ml., India is 1250, the world's wettest place Mawnsiram is 11872 ml., Syrapunji is 11444 ml. The lowest Annual Average Rainfall recorded is 0.6 ml., the place is a coastal city of Chile, located in Atacama desert.

Presented & Published By: D.Gnana Suria Bahavan, Author, Vivasaya Panchangam Blogspot.

Acknowledgement: Thanks and Courtesy to respective authors books and online e-resources.

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