Monday, November 9, 2020

பணம் பண்ண அசோலா AZOLLA CATTLE KING

பணம் பண்ண அசோலா


 My Dear Vivasaya Panchangam Friends ! Good Morning !

AZOLLA WILL GIVE YOU MORE MILK, MEAT, EGG AND MONEY Are you rearing Dairy cows? you should know Azolla is the Cattle Feed King. Are you keeping some poultry birds in your backyard ? or a Poultry unit? then you need to know Azolla is the Cattle Feed King. Are you rearing ducks, Pigs, Rabbit, or Fish ? then you need to know Azolla is the Cattle Feed King. People should know Azolla is a very cheap cattle feed, The ought to know it is having 25 to 30 % protein, 10 to 15 % of minerals, 7 to 10 % of Amino acids, also a small quantity of fat and Carbohydrate, Vitamin A, Vitamin B12 etc. People can learn that Azolla is a water fern, one among the 7 species, Azolla pinnata, Azolla filiculoides are the notable Azolla varieties and belongs to Salvinaceae family. All the above technical and Scientific information is given here were explained presented, in a colloquial, simple, understandable Tamil, so that any listener may be enlightened. LEARN THINGS & EARN MONEY IN RIGHT WAY !


Presented & Published By: D.Gnana Suria Bahavan, Author, Vivasaya Panchangam Blogspot.

Thanks and Courtesy to respective authors books and online e-resourc

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