Sunday, November 8, 2020

THREE WONDER TREES OF BRAZIL - பிரேசிலின் 3 அதிசய மரங்கள்

பிரேசிலின் 3 அதிசய மரங்கள்


 My Dear Vivasaya Panchangam Friends ! Good Morning !

Under the

title Brazil - 3 Tree Wonders of, I have given information on the following trees which are considered as tree wonders of Brazil. JABUTICABA - Plinia cauliflora The first one is the Tree Grapes, Jabuticaba you cant see such a tree in the world, the fruits are studded on the tree trunk itself, from the bottom to top resembles like grapes, is called as Jabuticaba, found in Brazil, Argentina, Bolivia, and Peru, Umbu - Spondiosa tuberosa A wild fruit tree found in the Thorn Forests of the Seratoa and Caatiga belt of North East Brazil, capable of storing 1500 to 2000 liters of water in its root system, for using during drought situations, its also a minor fruit, which helps for the livelihood of the local womenfolk. Brazilian Tree - Paubrasilla echinata The national tree of Brazil now, the tree has changed the entire history of Brazil, the entry of Spaniards into Brazil, their trade with the Brazil Wood as an excellent source of a red dye, and I have narrated how they brought Brazil under their umbrella, in place of the traditional kingdoms of the Indigenous people. These Brazilian trees are there still witnessing all the Brazils' history since 1550.



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