Thursday, November 26, 2020

அமுதக்கரைசல் தயாரிப்பு - JEEVAMRUTHAM PREPARATION

அமுதக்கரைசல் தயாரிப்பு


Those who want to do Organic Farming can view this film. This will explain the preparation of Amuthakkaraisal. It is also referred as Jeevamrutham. This is a very simple method anyone can do it and it could be used in place of chemical fertilizers. This will produce safe fruits, vegetables, and grains.           

Thanks to Mrs. G.Kalyani who presented this programme in a simple language.


Thanks and courtesy to respective authors' Books and online e'resources

 D. Gnana Suria Bahavan, Author, Vivasaya Panchangam



Wednesday, November 25, 2020

பாழடைந்த கிணறுகளுக்கு புத்துயிர் REJUVENATION OF BOREWELLS

பாழடைந்த கிணறுகளுக்கு புத்துயிர்    

Hai friends,

You have any Dried Bore Wells ? You can give Re-life to them , How ? Look at the Video. You can get the ways and means. Just spare your time of 10 mts., Thats all. Please Like, share, Subscribe and make a comment, Thank You.

Presented By: D.Gnana Suria Bahavan, Author, Vivasaya Panchangam Blogspot.

Acknowlegement: Thanks and Courtesy to respective authors books and online e-resources.

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

தண்ணீர் பிரச்சினையை சமாளிக்கும் வழிமுறைகள் - ABDUL KALAM'S WATER MISSION

 தண்ணீர் பிரச்சினையை 
சமாளிக்கும்  வழிமுறைகள்

அன்பின் இனிய விவசாய பஞ்சாங்கம் நண்பர்களுக்கு வணக்கம்

இந்தியாவில் எவ்வளவு மழை பெய்கிறது ? அதில் எவ்வளவு நீர் வீணாகப்போகிறது ? எவ்வளவு நீரை அறுவடை செய்ய வேண்டும் ? எவ்வளவு நீரை அறுவடை செய்தால் தண்ணீர் பிரச்சினையை சமாளிக்கலாம் ? அதற்கு நமது முன்னாள் குடியரசுத் .தலைவர் சொல்லும் வழிமுறைகள் என்ன ? இந்த காணொலியை பாருங்கள்.

Published By: D.Gnana Suria Bahavan, Author, Vivasaya Panchangam Blogspot.

Acknowledgement: Thanks and Courtesy to respective authors books and online e-resources.

Monday, November 23, 2020



இடி மின்னல் பாதுகாப்பு



 My Dear Vivasaya Panchangam Friends Good Morning !

This video tells about the scientific background of formation of the lightning and thunder. And also one can learn how to escape from the attack of the lightning, and thunder.

Presented & Published By: D.Gnana Suria Bahavan, Author, Vivasaya Panchangam Blogspot.

Acknowledgement: Thanks and Courtesy to respective authors books and online e-resources.

Saturday, November 21, 2020

லோகஸ்ட்டாக மாறும் வெட்டுக்கிளிகள் - GRASSHOPPER VS LOCUST

 லோகஸ்ட்டாக மாறும்  வெட்டுக்கிளிகள்


My Dear Vivasaya Panchangam Friends  !

Good Morning ! 

Do you know the difference between a Grasshoppers and Desert Locusts? the life cycle of Desert Locust? What makes a soft-headed Grasshopper into a devastating arrogant locust? What is the mystery that happens in the brain of the Grasshoppers? When it is under the solitary phase? When it is under the Gregarious phase? How much a single locust eat to fly a 200-kilometer distance? Everything is explained here in this video in a simple Tamil language. * Subscribe and support, Speak to me: + 91 8526195370, Write to me :, To read more look at my blog:

 Presented & Published By: D.Gnana Suria Bahavan, Author, Vivasaya Panchangam Blogspot.

Acknowledgement: Thanks and Courtesy to respective authors books and online e-resources.

Friday, November 20, 2020

கோவில்பட்டி கடலை மிட்டாய்க்கு அங்கீகாரம் - GI NUMBER TO KOVILPATTY GROUNDNUT ?

கோவில்பட்டி கடலை மிட்டாய்க்கு  அங்கீகாரம் 


 The story tells about the Geographical Indication Number, the importance of Value addition for any Agricultural commodity, easy marketing, ensuring competitive price, avoiding post-harvest wastage, and ways to make agriculture a profitable venture.

The story tells about the Geographical Indication Number, the importance of Value addition for any Agricultural commodity, easy marketing, ensuring competitive price, avoiding post-harvest wastage, and ways to make agriculture a profitable venture.

 Presented & Published By: D.Gnana Suria Bahavan, Author, Vivasaya Panchangam Blogspot.

Acknowledgement: Thanks and Courtesy to respective authors books and online e-resources.

Thursday, November 19, 2020

பாலைவன வெட்டுக்கிளியை கட்டுப்படுத்துவது எப்படி ? HOW TO CONTROL DESERT LOCUST ?


 பாலைவன வெட்டுக்கிளியை கட்டுப்படுத்துவது எப்படி ? HOW TO CONTROL DESERT LOCUST

 This vividly explains about different methods to control the Desert Locusts. The Tamilnadu Agricultural University recommends any Neem based Organic Pesticides to control the Desert Locusts. The Neem oil extract, Neem seed extract, and Neem Leaf extract could be used effectively to control the Desert Locust. This also gives brief information on the Biopesticides used in East African countries to control the locust. The various physical methods like beating drums and other vessels to drive away from the locust from the spot of their attack. For any further needed information do not hesitate to call me (+91 8526195370)or write to me by mail (


Wednesday, November 18, 2020

கோவில்பட்டி கடலை மிட்டாய் – பகுதி -2 KOVILPATTY PEANUT CANDY – PART- 2


 கோவில்பட்டி கடலை மிட்டாய் – பகுதி -2  KOVILPATTY PEANUT CANDY – PART- 2

 Recently Geographical Indication Tag is given to Kovilpatty Kadalai Mittai, It is otherwise known as Peanut Candy in English. The Geographical Indication Tag is a sign of products that have a specific geographical origin. It is an indication of popularity and quality. It is given to foodstuff like Briyani, fruits like Mango, Banana, Grapes, Flowers and other Agri products, Handicrafts, Industrial Products, Wine, Spirit drinks etc. So for in India Karnataka got more number of GI tags for its products. Whereas Kovilpatty Kadalai Mittai is the 34 the GI tag for Tamilnadu.

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

பருவநிலை தட்பவெப்ப நிலை இரண்டும் ஒன்றா வேறுவேறா ? HOW CLIMATE & WEATHER DIFFERS ?

பருவநிலை வேறு  
தட்பவெப்ப நிலை வேறு

 My Dear Vivasaya Panchangam Friends ! Good Morning !

How climate and weather differs is the title of the programme, Many of them used to believe both are one and the same. In many of the media, there are lot more information and news are being published as special Weather Bulletins, Weather Forecasts and so on.
Mainly Weather deal with the present situation of Rainfall, Temperature, Wind Velocity, Humidity etc. relevant to a particular day, or a particular time. This is referred to as Weather Condition. Climate means it is an average of 30 years about all the different weather components like Rainfall, Temperature, Wind Velocity, Speed of Wind, Humidity, Movement of rain-bearing Clouds, Sunshine etc.
Annual Average Rainfall is the average 30 years of that particular place or area or any geographical place. So the Annual Average Rainfall is constant for around 30 years, any distinct changes will occur only in a course of 30 years. For instance, the Annual Average Rainfall of Tamilnadu is 955 ml., India is 1250, the world's wettest place Mawnsiram is 11872 ml., Syrapunji is 11444 ml. The lowest Annual Average Rainfall recorded is 0.6 ml., the place is a coastal city of Chile, located in Atacama desert.

Presented & Published By: D.Gnana Suria Bahavan, Author, Vivasaya Panchangam Blogspot.

Acknowledgement: Thanks and Courtesy to respective authors books and online e-resources.

Monday, November 16, 2020

பருவக்கால மாற்றத்தை எதிர்கொள்ள 10 வழிகள் TEN WAYS TO FACE CLIMATE CHANGE

 பருவக்கால மாற்றத்தை 
எதிர்கொள்ள  10 வழிகள் 


My Dear Vivasaya Panchangam Friends ! Good Morning !

This video gives 10 different ways to face Climate Change. The tsunami killed 2.3 lakh, people, 2015 flood made Chennai float, Great Madras famine killed 35 lakh people between 1876 and 1868, the Great Bengal Famine killed one crore people in 1770, all due to Climate Change.

This program suggests 10 ways to face Climate Change. Mini Forest Creation, Drip Irrigation, Roof water Harvest, Rejuvenation of dried open wells and borewells, Raising Fodder Units, Organic Farming, Accommodating Horticultural crops, Adoption of Mixed Farming and Intercropping, Formation of Joint Liability Groups, Farmer Producer Organizations, Village water management Associations to protect and promote water resources, etc.

Acknowledgement: Thanks and Courtesy to respective authors books and online e-resources.

Published By: D.Gnana Suria Bahavan, Author, Vivasaya Panchangam Blogspot.


Sunday, November 15, 2020

நிலக்ககடலையின் மறந்துபோன சரித்திரம் - FORGOTTEN HISTORY OF PEANUT


மறந்துபோன சரித்திரம்


My Dear Vivasaya Panchangam Friends ! Good Morning ! 

The Spaniards introduced the Peanut in India as well as to other countries of the world. The Peanut or the Groundnut is origin of Peru and Brazil of South America. In Tamilnadu Peanut is having very many names because of its popularity, like Manila, Manilakottai, Mallakkottai, Mallattai, Nilakkadalai, Seettu Kizhichchan Kottai. In Tamil Seettu Kizhichchan Kottai means the nut which torn the indebted bonds and saved the farmers from the clutches of the landlords. For the first time, the rainfed farmers were able to get good crop and money, and thus the celebrate groundnut with the great name Seettu Kizhichchan Kottai. In the year 1850 an area of 4000 acres were grown with Peanut in two major cities in South Arcot District by name Vizhuppuram and Cuddalore, in Tamilnadu, hence that district is being called as District of Peanut.


Presented & Published By: D.Gnana Suria Bahavan, Author, Vivasaya Panchangam Blogspot.

Acknowledgement: Thanks and Courtesy to respective authors books and online e-resources.

Saturday, November 14, 2020

மண்புழு உரம் தயாரிப்பு PREPARATION OF VERMI COMPOST

மண்புழு உரம் தயாரிப்பு


My Dear Vivasaya Panchangam Friends ! Good Morning ! 

You can follow this method easily to produce a quality Vermi Compost at a reasonable cost, even to say at a low cost.

The following are the materials required for preparing a small quantity of Vermi Compost. 1. Earth Worm - 1 kg 2. Cowdung - 500 kg 3. Coconut Sheath - 250 to 300 Nos. 4. River Sand - 100 kg. 5. Chillie Powder - 15 - 200 gm 6. Wire Mesh - as per need and size of the shed. 7. A thatched shed 8. A place for the Vermi Compost production.

In the selected place, measure and peg mark for a plot size of 12 X 3ft. make a pit for half a foot in the plot and fill the river sand, level it, stake all the coconut sheaths uniformly on the surface of the sand, then sprinkle two-three pots of water.

Then spread all the cow dung on the coconut sheaths and sprinkle water and make the bed uniformly for height not exceeding 2 feet, maintain it for 60 days then you can harvest the Vermi Compost easily, sieve it and then shade dry it and collected in gunny bags, as and when required, it could be used as Organic manure.

If one could apply continuously for 5 years in his land, after that his land will nor require any manure at all. This will reduce the cost of cultivation, at the same time it will increase productivity and profitability too.

I have given all the preparatory methods in a simple language so that anyone can understand without any hassle.


 Presented & Published By: D.Gnana Suria Bahavan, Author, Vivasaya Panchangam Blogspot.

Acknowledgement: Thanks and Courtesy to respective authors books and online e-resources.


Friday, November 13, 2020

மழை வருது மழை வருது - HARVEST RAIN WITH A BUND

மழை வருது மழை வருது


My Dear Vivasaya Panchangam Friends ! Good Morning !

This will alert the farmers Agri based entrepreneurs during the ongoing South West Monsoon and forthcoming North-East Monsoon, to take care of the Field Bunds.

So that they could harvest around 19 lakh litre Rainwater and control Soil erosion and prevent the escape of 6.447 tons of topsoil, from one acre of the land area of any rainfed belt, and thus they can retain the crop nutrients like the major three, Nitrogen Phosphorus, Potash, the four secondaries, Calcium, Magnesium, Sulphur and Ferrous, and the six micronutrients namely Zinc, Boron, Chlorine, Copper, Molybdenum, Manganese.

One can adopt Field Earthern Bund in Plain areas, Soil and Stone Bunds in moderate slopy areas, and Stone Bunds in high slope areas, they will conserve the soil as well as water, whereas the Stone Bunds could stop the soil and allow the runoff water to drain away.

So one has to take care of their Field Bunds in their farms during the heavy rainfall period otherwise, it will be washed off, to improve the performance of the Bunds one need to fix inlets and outlets in the Bunds, will also form trenches along the main Bunds in your Farmlands.

This program reminds the people to Protect, Maintain and Improve the Field Bunds. I request the viewers to share this valuable stuff to others and subscribe to the channel "BHUMII CONSERVATION CENTRE",thanks and regards - bhumii gnanasoorian


 Presented & Published By: D.Gnana Suria Bahavan, Author, Vivasaya Panchangam Blogspot.

Acknowledgement: Thanks and Courtesy to respective authors books and online e-resources.

Thursday, November 12, 2020

வாங்க சிக்கிம் போகலாம் - TRAVEL TO SIKKIM

வாங்க சிக்கிம் போகலாம்

  My Dear Vivasaya Panchangam Friends ! Good Morning !

This is a brief account of primary and Chief attractions of Sikkim, one of the Northwest provinces of India.


One 100% of organic farming in Sikkim, Unique and peculiar flower Rhubarb, the richness of Orchid flowers, Natural sanctuary of Rhododendron, Special features of hot water springs, Home of 400 butterflies, the third highest peak of the world Kanchenjunga, are the different topics dealt in this video, copyright-free photographs are used appropriately for the topics dealt.


This was presented in a very simple and easily communicable and understandable in Tamil, even for a layperson.


This channel is focussed on the rural and farming community. Mainly this will bear with the related topics noted below.


1.Sustainable and profitable and organic farming.
2.Nature - Conservation of soil, water, trees, forests, and other natural resources.
The program was written and presented and produced by Gnana Suria Bagavan (Bhumii Gnnasoorian)
The program was written and presented and produced by Gnana Suria Bagavan (Bhumii Gnnasoorian)
3.Climate change, impacts, mitigation, and adaptation methods.
4. current and trending topics on other topics too, according to need.


 Presented & Published By: D.Gnana Suria Bahavan, Author, Vivasaya Panchangam Blogspot.

Acknowledgement: Thanks and Courtesy to respective authors books and online e-resources.


Wednesday, November 11, 2020

இரு தடுப்பூசிகளின் கதை TALE OF TWO VACCINES

இரு தடுப்பூசிகளின் கதை

My Dear Vivasaya Panchangam Friends ! Good Morning !

This video Tale of Two Vaccines carries two untold stories related development of Vaccines, the story one is about a mummy of a Pharaoh by name Ramses of Egypt monarch.
The second story of this video Tale of Two Vaccines narrates the Vaccine related incidenses of some of the Buddist Monks, Edward Jenner, and Louis Pasteur.
Do you know the mummy of Ramses V, the Phoraoh, the king of kings of Egypt, who permitted the reasearchers to take a sample from his mummified body, to develop vaccine against Smallpox.
It is startling to note, the Buddist monk put all their efforts to create a contrivance and a device, to develop immunity, might be a vaccine, to save people biten by poisonous snakes, to note positively variely, this is the key s part of the second part of this video Tale of Two Vaccines.
To add flavour to the subject some of the WHO's statistics relevant to the Vaccines of Diptheria, Tetanus, Whooping cough and Measles, and current bits and pieces of messages related to Korona and the latest Russian Vaccine.

The second part of this video Tale of Two Vaccines also accomplishes the the brain child vaccines of Small Pox, Cholera, and Anthrax, developed by Edward Jenner and Louis Pasteur. Bye friends, this video will not cheat you, you can appreciate, I have put lot more efforts to make it palatable. Forget not to share, subscribe and support our Youtube Channel "BHUMII"


 Presented & Published By: D.Gnana Suria Bahavan, Author, Vivasaya Panchangam Blogspot.

Acknowledgement: Thanks and Courtesy to respective authors books and online e-resources.

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

100% சிக்கிம் இயற்கை விவசாயம் - 100 % SIKKIM ORGANIC AGRICULTURE

100% சிக்கிம் இயற்கை விவசாயம் -


My Dear Vivasaya Panchangam Friends ! Good Morning !

I have narrated the story of 100% Organic Sikkim, and how the people did it, to achieve the name as world-wide first 100 % organic state, and how they received the Best Policy award from the FAO of the United Nations Organization etc. in a most interesting, simple lucid way of presentation, with more appropriate and beautiful photographs relevant to the topic, and is most useful to people those who are in the venture of doing Organic Agriculture. This bears the following 3 important blocks of information in achieving this 100% organic status of Sikkim within a span of 13 years..

1. Sri.Pavan Kumar Chamling, Former Chief Minister, and Environmentalist who was instumental and initiated this 100% Organic Agriculture project and enabled 6600 farm families, to fall under the organic umbrella, and made the state as the first Organic state of the world.
2. The efforts taken by the people of Sikkim and steps and support given by the Government machinery of Sikkim to convince the people and train the people to adopt the various organic methodologies to achieve the 100 Organic agriculture.
3. 30 to 40 percent increased yield is being achieved by the 66000 families of the Organic farmers, and producing 65 % of the organic agricultural production of the nation as a whole.
4. Recognition given by the Food and And Agricultural Organization of the UNO, and given as Golden award by name “BEST POLICY AWARD” to the state Sikkim the Worlds first Organic Hope . Please introduce our Youtube Channel "BHUMII" as channel for Save Agriculture, Save Nature and serve for Development, to your nears and dears to share subscribe and support.

5. The scope for the organic agricultural products in the Western and European countries are increasing in a dramatic way. All the above information is narrated in a simple Tamil language, and this programme will motivate anyone, to go for a similar type of initiation and achievement in their own space to adopt organic farming as 100%.


 Presented & Published By: D.Gnana Suria Bahavan, Author, Vivasaya Panchangam Blogspot.

Acknowledgement: Thanks and Courtesy to respective authors books and online e-resources.

Monday, November 9, 2020

HOW TO CREATE MIYAWAKI MINI FOREST - VIDEO மியாவாக்கி சிறுவனம் அமைப்பது எப்படி ?

மியாவாக்கி சிறுவனம்


My Dear  Friends ! Good Morning !

Are you interested to plant trees? Are you interested to create a Mini Forest? Are you interested to create a mini High Dense Forest? Are you interested to make your village green? Please listen to this video - Regards D.Gnana Suria Bahavan, a development man who worked with soil, water, crops, trees, and people in villages, for 48 years since 1972.



Presented & Published By: D.Gnana Suria Bahavan, Author, Vivasaya Panchangam Blogspot.

Thanks and Courtesy to respective authors' books and online e-resources.

பணம் பண்ண அசோலா AZOLLA CATTLE KING

பணம் பண்ண அசோலா


 My Dear Vivasaya Panchangam Friends ! Good Morning !

AZOLLA WILL GIVE YOU MORE MILK, MEAT, EGG AND MONEY Are you rearing Dairy cows? you should know Azolla is the Cattle Feed King. Are you keeping some poultry birds in your backyard ? or a Poultry unit? then you need to know Azolla is the Cattle Feed King. Are you rearing ducks, Pigs, Rabbit, or Fish ? then you need to know Azolla is the Cattle Feed King. People should know Azolla is a very cheap cattle feed, The ought to know it is having 25 to 30 % protein, 10 to 15 % of minerals, 7 to 10 % of Amino acids, also a small quantity of fat and Carbohydrate, Vitamin A, Vitamin B12 etc. People can learn that Azolla is a water fern, one among the 7 species, Azolla pinnata, Azolla filiculoides are the notable Azolla varieties and belongs to Salvinaceae family. All the above technical and Scientific information is given here were explained presented, in a colloquial, simple, understandable Tamil, so that any listener may be enlightened. LEARN THINGS & EARN MONEY IN RIGHT WAY !


Presented & Published By: D.Gnana Suria Bahavan, Author, Vivasaya Panchangam Blogspot.

Thanks and Courtesy to respective authors books and online e-resourc

Sunday, November 8, 2020

THREE WONDER TREES OF BRAZIL - பிரேசிலின் 3 அதிசய மரங்கள்

பிரேசிலின் 3 அதிசய மரங்கள்


 My Dear Vivasaya Panchangam Friends ! Good Morning !

Under the

title Brazil - 3 Tree Wonders of, I have given information on the following trees which are considered as tree wonders of Brazil. JABUTICABA - Plinia cauliflora The first one is the Tree Grapes, Jabuticaba you cant see such a tree in the world, the fruits are studded on the tree trunk itself, from the bottom to top resembles like grapes, is called as Jabuticaba, found in Brazil, Argentina, Bolivia, and Peru, Umbu - Spondiosa tuberosa A wild fruit tree found in the Thorn Forests of the Seratoa and Caatiga belt of North East Brazil, capable of storing 1500 to 2000 liters of water in its root system, for using during drought situations, its also a minor fruit, which helps for the livelihood of the local womenfolk. Brazilian Tree - Paubrasilla echinata The national tree of Brazil now, the tree has changed the entire history of Brazil, the entry of Spaniards into Brazil, their trade with the Brazil Wood as an excellent source of a red dye, and I have narrated how they brought Brazil under their umbrella, in place of the traditional kingdoms of the Indigenous people. These Brazilian trees are there still witnessing all the Brazils' history since 1550.



Saturday, November 7, 2020

கிணத்துக்கு உயிர் குடுங்க - REFILL GROUND WATER

கிணத்துக்கு உயிர் குடுங்க

 My Dear Vivasaya Panchangam Friends ! Good Morning !

Refill Ground Water, video program gives a picture of the status of the existing open wells in villages of either Tamil Nadu or India.

More than 98 percent of the wells are dried and do not have even a pail of water, but it is possible to Refill the Ground Water by means of these dried water bodies, with the aid of a simple Water Absorption Trench.

for instance in Tumbery a village near Vaniyambadi the leather city of the recently born district Thiruppathur, there are around 500 open wells and none of them are showing any symptom of watermarks, but they could be positively used to Refill the Ground Water.

The villagers are motivated to take care of such dry wells and harvest the rainwater so that we can easily Refill the Ground Water.

The farmers need to do only these two following things.
We have to save water and use economically, otherwise, we ought to face a Day zero like South Africa, and Hunger and Famine due to drought as in Somalia.

1. Formation of a Water Absorption Trench along the side of the Open Wells.

2. Preparing the land and modifying the slope of the land area so that water could easily drain into the recharge pit without any hassle.

Note: The speech was given by me in the village, to enlighten the people in Thiruppaththur district of Tamilnadu, to initiate efforts to Refill Ground Water.


 Presented & Published By: D.Gnana Suria Bahavan, Author, Vivasaya Panchangam Blogspot.

Thanks and Courtesy to respective authors books and online e-resources.


Friday, November 6, 2020

அசோலா - நீங்களே செய்யலாம் – AZOLLA DO IT YOURSELF

அசோலா - நீங்களே செய்யலாம்


My Dear Vivasaya Panchangam Friends ! Good Morning !

 Azolla may be a tiny worm, but you can catch a whale of benefits, i am telling you this here, please look, listen, and subscribe.

This Azolla - Do It Yourself video program, explains you about one of the simple methods by which anyone can prepare Azolla as a small House-hold unit to feed his own cattle, maybe a one or two dairy cows, or a flock of birds, a pond of fish, or a herd of rabbits.

Azolla -Do it yourself suggests to each and every village family to have one Azolla production unit under the presumption every family is involved in cattle farming.

Azolla -Do it yourself needs the following inputs to produce Azolla as a Household unit.
Prepare a land area, level, make a pit for 9 inches remove the soil, spread the sand level it evenly, affix the Tarpaulin Tray on the sand, spread the red soil uniform into the tray, sprinkle water without disturbing the red soil spread, make the cow dung as a solution and pour it into the tray, then mix the superphosphate in water then add it also into the tray, and finally pour all the water and sprinkle all the seed Azolla uniformly, now this simple Azolla production unit is ready.

Keep this unit under a small hut or pandal so that it should not be exposed to the sun. After 20 to 30 days you can start harvesting Azolla 500 to 1000 gms. daily.

1. Seed Azolla - 500 gm, 2. Red Soil - 15 kg, 3. Cowdung - 10 kg., 4. Superphosphate 5 gm., 5. Tarpaulin Tray one Number (10ft. X 4 ft.) 6. A land area to accommodate the Tarpaulin Tray 7. Water - 15 Pots.
For any clarification, you can contact BHUMII GNANASOORIAN, +91 8526195370, Bye, comment, share, subscribe, and support.

This unit can prolong its production for a minimum period of 3 months. Later on, you can redo the whole process to make the Azolla production as a continuous one. One can produce Azolla for its own requirement, also for selling, and for export also, whatever the case may be, this is the basic production system.


 Presented & Published By: D.Gnana Suria Bahavan, Author, Vivasaya Panchangam Blogspot.

Thanks and Courtesy to respective authors books and online e-resources.


Thursday, November 5, 2020

இஸ்ரேலின் மந்திரக்கோல் - MAGIC WAND OF ISRAEL

இஸ்ரேலின் மந்திரக்கோல்

My Dear Vivasaya Panchangam Friends ! Good Morning !

Do you know? What is the Magic Wand of Israel? That is Drip Irrigation. Drip Irrigation is the Magic Wand behind all its development.
But the experts of all other countries acknowledge this fact, unanimously Drip Irrigation is the only Magic Wand if Israel. This is actually an open and known secret to everyone.
In Tamilnadu, the local government is providing a100 % subsidy for small farmers and 75 % to middle and large farmers for installing the Drip Irrigation system in their cultivation field.
Since people do not have enough awareness on the benefits of Drip Irrigation, hence is spread, adoption and coverage is not encouraging in the state, so our BHUMII youtube channel wishes to mount such awareness programs.
Only the Drip Irrigation acted as a Magic Wand and brought progress not only in the Agricultural sector, it also supported and promoted other sectors like Industry and Service sectors in Israel.
In the fag end of the programme I have also made a request to people to have one Azolla plot in each household involved in cattle rearing to bring down the feed cost and enhance the profit of earning through the higher production of Milk, Eggs, and Meat.
The Drip Irrigation system helps to use the already harvested water economically, whereas the maintenance of the Earthen Bunds helps to harvest further the fresh rainwater from seasonal showers.

So this video covers actually three topics like economic water use through Drip Irrigation, Proper maintenance of Field Bunds and establishment Azolla plot in every house, but the main focus is on Drip Irrigation.
My request to you to share this valuable stuff to your friends, relatives and known people, and support through subscribing.


 Presented & Published By: D.Gnana Suria Bahavan, Author, Vivasaya Panchangam Blogspot.

Thanks and Courtesy to respective authors books and online e-resources.

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

கரும்பொரசு - ஜரிகை மரம் - KARUMPORASU SUPER TIMBER


கரும்பொரசு - ஜரிகை மரம் -


 My Dear Vivasaya Panchangam Friends ! Good Morning !

In this video Bhumii Gnana Soorian tells about the famous number one timber wood tree Karumporasu in Tamil, whose heart wood is Golden yellow in clolour, Veneer a paper like wood is peeled from the timber to decorate high value wooden materials, strong, best timber suitable for carving, wooden statues could be made, and is being used since ancient days in Indian temples, by virtue of its high quality and multiple use it is being called as Business Tree of India.

Presented & Published By: D.Gnana Suria Bahavan, Author, Vivasaya Panchangam Blogspot.

Thanks and Courtesy to respective authors books and online e-resources.

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

பாரம்பரிய பல்குச்சி மரம் - பூமி ஞான சூரியன் - TRADITIONAL TOOTH BRUSH TREE

பாரம்பரிய பல்குச்சி மரம் - பூமி ஞான சூரியன் - TRADITIONAL TOOTH BRUSH TREE

 My Dear Vivasaya Panchangam Friends ! Good Morning !

Bhumii Gnana Soorian narrates actually the various benefits of the Tooth Brush Tree, popularly called as Velamaram or Karuvai Maram in Tamil or Babul tree or Gum Arabic tree in English.
"Alum Velum Pallukku Uruthy" is the popular saying prevalent among the people of Tamilnadu, the meaning is this 'Babul and Banyan tree "Kuchchi". are good for the strength of teeth, Kuchi means twigs of approximately pencil thickness are more suitable for brushing.
He has also enlisted the various benefits like growing as fence trees, for making agricultural implements, household utensils, building construction woods, collection of gums, for extraction of fabric dyes, Tannins for tannery industries, and for making different medicines also.
The botanical name of the tree is Acacia nilotica, and it belongs to the Mimosaceae family. The tree is preferred to plant mostly in Black cotton soil, or clay-rich soils, they can also perform well in a wide range of soil types.


 Presented & Published By: D.Gnana Suria Bahavan, Author, Vivasaya Panchangam Blogspot.

Thanks and Courtesy to respective authors books and online e-resources.

Monday, November 2, 2020

கப்பல் செய்த கத்தகாம்பு மரம் - KATHAKAMBU SHIP BUILDING TREE


கப்பல் செய்த கத்தகாம்பு மரம்


My Dear Vivasaya Panchangam Friends ! Good Morning !

In this video Bhumii Gnana Soorian, gives you the salient featues of the tree by name Kathakambu in Tamil, it is also referred in another two names as Karungali, Karngali and Kodali Murungai.

It is named as RED KUTCH TREE in English. Once it was primarily used for Shipbuilding, this shows the superior quality and strength of this timber, the wood and the timbers are also used for keeping them as Pillars, Posts, Beams, making wooden House Hold utensils like Ural - Ulakkai, furniture, wood pulp for papermaking, extraction of fabric dyes, etc.

Since it is announced as endangered species by the Government, Bhumii Gnana Soorian requested the people to collect the seeds from the existing trees for further propagation.

Presented & Published By: D.Gnana Suria Bahavan, Author, Vivasaya Panchangam Blogspot.

Thanks and Courtesy to respective authors books and online e-resources.

Sunday, November 1, 2020

நாட்டு தேக்கு பூவரசு மரம் POOR MAN'S TEAK THESPESIA TREE

நாட்டு தேக்கு பூவரசு மரம்


My Dear Vivasaya Panchangam Friends! Good Morning!

In this program, நாட்டு தேக்கு பூவரசு - POOR MAN'S TEAK POOVARASU, Bhumii Gnana Soorian, gives a brief story on the village tree of Tamilnadu, called by several names in English, as Thespesia tree, Portia tree, Eden Apple tree, etc. Poovarasu is a medium-sized tree, with big, beautiful, bright sulfur yellow, flowers, and also bears exactly heart-shaped leaves, with dark green color, sharp elongated tips, in medium-sized stalks, always found as green bunches and present round the year, provide coolness to our eyes, and blessing a greenness and freshness to the atmosphere. The leaves, pods, and the tree itself a play material to the village children. The timber of Poovarasu is a multipurpose timber, this can be used for making doors, windows, for the construction of houses, Kacha as well as pukka houses, agricultural implements, handles for tools, etc. It is ideal to plant in seasides, riversides, it performs well in sandy soils, it can act as a wind barrier, and so on. Cuttings all sizes could be planted, cuttings from young branches perform well, trees raised from large stems are mostly short-lived. Look at the video, listen to its contents try to plant Poovarasu seedlings in sandy areas of seasides, and riversides, before that subscribe to our BHUMII youtube channel.


 Presented & Published By: D.Gnana Suria Bahavan, Author, Vivasaya Panchangam Blogspot.

Thanks and Courtesy to respective authors books and online e-resources.

LEARN TO BUILD A ROBOT - ரோபோக்களை நாமே தயார் செய்யலாம்

கடிதம் 7 ரோபோக்களை நாமே தயார் செய்யலாம் LEARN TO BUILD A ROBOT ரோபோக்கள் உருவாக்கும் தொழில் நுட்பத்தை கற்றுக்கொள்ள நிறைய புத்தகங்கள் வந்துள்...