Saturday, October 24, 2020

டெத் வேலி'யின் மணல் காடுகள் - SAND DUNES OF DEATH VALLEY

டெத் வேலி'யின் மணல் காடுகள்

My Dear Vivasaya Panchangam Friends! Good Morning!

I made a visit to Death Valley in California in the USA in the year 2018,
my wife, my daughter in law, my son, my grandson, and I visited, we spent seven days in that area. In this video program, I have clarified the following questions pertaining to Death Valley National Park.
1. where is Death Valley located?
2. what is the geographical status and mines available in the valley including gold silver and borax?
4. what do you mean by the movement of the sand dunes sense and stabilization offer desert and sand?
3. what are the detailed aspects of the sand dunes in Death Valley particularly mesquite flats sand dunes?
I believe this program will give you wholesome information about the sand dunes in general kindly comment share subscribe and support. 


Presented & Published By: D.Gnana Suria Bahavan, Author, Vivasaya Panchangam Blogspot.

Thanks and Courtesy to respective authors' books and online e-resources.

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